

Friday, December 20, 2013

Be a Fractal

God is a mathematician. Really. From spiral galaxies to cyclical time, from geographic formations to plants, from seashells to snowflakes, we find fractal patterns that can be described by chaotic equations. Fractal patterns repeat themselves. Examine a fractal pattern, look at its component parts and you will see a nearly identical smaller copy of the whole. Which leads me to my point; God doesn't just do things on a macro scale, He repeats the event on a smaller scales as well. In other words, everything He does in the world, He also does inside of us and He expects us to repeat the pattern.
This applies to Christmas.

Every year in December I hear people cry, 'Put Christ back into Christmas' and 'Jesus is the Reason for the Season' and I wonder don't these people realize that Christmas is more than just words? God become flesh and dwelt among us. Christ came to redeem humanity which bemoaned the weight of evil since Adam. So we, in repeating the pattern, redeem our neighbours, by mitigating the evil in their lives.

We are repeating the pattern of Christ when we give to charity, spend time with the family, either physically or listening on a phone. We repeat the pattern when we bring joy by singing in nursing homes, pack food hampers, serve at soup kitchens and feed the homeless. All these things are smaller identical patterns of Christ's coming to redeem mankind. Christ came to restore the relationship between all of mankind and God. When we mend and strengthen relationships with each other, we are to restoring mankind's relationship with God. When we serve others, we are serving God. When we love others, we love God.

Anyone and everyone who does anything to help others is celebrating the birth of Christ by becoming part of the pattern. Whether or not we consciously acknowledge Him, if we heal the brokenhearted or set the captives free, we celebrate His coming.

Christ hasn't just been born into the world, He has been born into all of mankind, into every single man, woman and child on this planet. This just happens to be the time of the year when we put aside our selfishness as we start to catch a glimpses of the image of the Christ child in those around us. Christ was, is and will be born into the world, bringing light to pierce the darkness, peace to replace the hatred and joy instead of sadness. Why else did the German and English troops lay down their weapons and celebrate with each other in No Man's Land during Christmas 1914?

This is the pattern of Christ. The winter solstice is the time of light returning to the world. Christ is the light of the world. We, in turn, bring light and peace and joy to those we meet. This pattern re-occurs every year to remind us of His message.

Let us put Christ back into our hearts and not just on the sign.

Let us be part of the pattern of Christ year-round and not just at Christmas.